Thursday, March 6, 2014

Blog #11

Blog # 11
Interview protocol
How I will conduct my interview is by first asking easy questions about the classroom, and how long she has been teaching. This will set up a foundation for my main focus. With Dr. Chandlers help I have come up with the following questions. I'm sure that during the interview there will be some other questions that arise and might take my interview in another direction, I may or may not ask these questions in this particular order but I will try my best.
1. What grade level do you teach?

2. How long have you been teaching this grade?

3. How many students are in your class room?

4. What inspired you to become a teacher?

5. Have you ever taught any other grade level?( If she answers yes, I will which grade is your favorite? )
6. Can you describe a typical day in your class room?

7. How do you organize your daily routines?

8. Can you tell me about a challenge you've faced and how successful you have been in overcoming it?

9. What kinds of language and behaviors give you an idea that there will be a conflict between students?

10. Once you realize that there may be an issue arising do you then change your language and behavior to manage classroom behavior, or to prevent the issue before it occurs ?

11. Are there any things in particular that you look for when trying to find a resolution?

12. If you are faced with this problem again would you do the same things to solve the problem or would you try a different approach.

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